
  Over the years, the popularity of Omega-3 has been becoming more known among people all over the world.  In ways, this comes as no surprise as Omega-3 offers many health benefits that can improve the quality and stability of one's health.  While considering that there is an increase of awareness of a variety of health concerns among people, many are turning to Omega-3 as a remedy.  In the United States alone, sales of Omega-3 equaled up to $3.5 billion in 2007.  By 2011, projected Omega-3 sales in the United States are expected to reach $8 billion.  That's an increase in $4.5 billion in a span of 4 years!  In response to this projected growth in a world economy that is suffering from a crisis that originated in the U.S., Marvalous has sought out ways to not only improve people's health, but to also extend a helping hand in offering a job opportunity to its consumers.  This is what the information below is about.
  Before this job opportunity through Marvalous is discussed, it will be most helpful to read about t     the company's philosophy first. 


"When one door of happiness closes, another one opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
~Helen Keller


  Marvalous believes in incorporating innovative products that contribute to the health of the user and a direct selling method straight from the distributors to the consumer in order to maximize the product's distribution and to minimize the costs of the product through savings in marketing and advertising costs thereby creating an added value in organization where everyone supports the individual and the individual supports everyone.  
  This philosophy is best known as a tribal philosophy.

stop sign

We Are Marvalous Tribe, On A Marvalous Way, To Live a Marvalous Life.

There aren’t too many moments in life where a person is given the opportunity  to change his/her fate.  Fewer are the moments wherein we are presented with an opportunity  which we can clearly identify before the moment passes and is gone forever.  In most cases in life we can identify an opportunity after it’s gone and never returns.  Many people develop “20/20 hindsight” in the case of missed opportunities.


The start-up company Marvalous is one of those rare opportunities that is being given to us now.  Today!


At this moment we are being presented with the choice to either grab hold of this opportunity and change the course of our lives or to look back in two years time and say “I could’ve been there but I didn’t see it…”


"Dream as you will live for ever, Live as you will die today"

Things to Know
A Personal Message from our Team.
  In many ways, as a Marvalous Distributor, you will be working closely under a network marketing structure that puts you in a position, much like a small business owner, but without a big portion of the work.  Unlike many other network marketing structures, this one has success written all over it.  For one, the products Maravalous produces are top quality and are huge breakthrough in human health.  With Omega-3 being high in demand and the Marvalous Omega-3 as a product without any side effects, people of all ages and types are able to use these products and receive great health benefits, regardless of ones own dietary plan or condition.  Secondly, Marvalous has innovative and well researched compensation plan unlike any other network marketing structures existing today.  This compensation plan gives you more of an opportunity for financial freedom with minimal cost.  In addition to this freedom you will also receive great health benefits from Marvalous' products that will enable you to live a prolonged, peaceful, and joyous life.  Lastly, this company is a new company, but with a rich history.  Its compensation plan is so beneficial that it really doesn't matter when one becomes a distributor because all people will benefit, regardless when one enters the company.  This last point is mentioned for two reasons.  First, there is the belief among people that network marketing structures or those like them are only successful for people who enter them early in the company's career.  The compensation plan Marvalous has in place is much sounder and allows people to overcome this belief and be much more at peace.  The math featured in Marvalous' compensation plan is much more sustainable than others out there.  Second, for those people who still hold onto the belief that network marketing structures or those like them are only successful for people who enter them early in the company's career, well, here is your chance because this company had its first appearance in late 2008 and the products started to be distributed in mid-January 2009.

  If you are interested in becoming a distributor, but want to know more information, please click the Order Now tab (above), scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the link by the distributor of your choice.  This link will take you to the distributor's personal, professional webpage where you will be able to become familiar with the distributor and the service he can offer you. 
or you can send him an Email to his privet Email address ( or in Skype: RamBo5192)
Since Ram lives in Israel (where the company is) here is personal phone number +927 52 3393 811

A massage from our Team

    As a working partner, it is our goal to provide you a working system that will help you be successful in achieving your goals.  We are confident that we have the tools, the resources, and the knowledge to point you in the direction you so desire.  In many ways, we like to think in terms of financial freedom rather than figures.  This is mostly because each person is his/her own person with a particular situation at a particular point in time.  Regardless, we are all confident in Marvalous and in the strategies we will pass along to you as a working partner to help you be successful!   ~ Our Team


Become A Marvalous Distributor

Distributors receive merchandise and great compensation for distribution of Marvalous Products. Distributors are trained and given all the tools necessary to succeed. The Marvalous Team also provides technical support and software to help you develop your virtual office anywhere in the world.
Our Team provides Customer Relations Training, Distribution Network Management Strategies, and Management of Product Allocation.
Marvalous Coaches teach and guide our distributors to reach his/her greatest goals. There is 100% access to Medical data and Scientific Research about Products and technology.

Why Join Today?

The company launched on January 11th, 2009. Historically Magnetika has only distributed products to large companies. This has proven to be extremely successful and now is your chance to join our successful team as an individual or a small business owner. 
When would you like to join a company that’s going to take over the global market? Now? In a Year? In Five Years? If your answer is NOW! Jump on board and Join the Marvalous Team and become financially independent while helping yourself and others live a healthier life. Simply contact us to receive more information. +972-52-339-3811


"Life to short for not taking chances"
Now its time for a change!

Its your time now!
Your time to make a change in your futrue life
Today, its the day!
The day to make a breakthrough in your life!

"We Are Marvalous Tribe, On A Marvalous Way, To Live a Marvalous Life."


★-Marvalous Group LTD. 1 Hamelachim St. Or YehudaIsrael 60310-            

★-Fax:+972-4-6585957Mobile: +972-52-8715-928
+972-50-821-3421 - +972-52-339-3811-


★-Email:★-Skype: RamBo5192-

"We are Marvalous Tribe, On a Marvalous way, To live, a Marvalous Life"

Join The Tribe!