"Join the Tribe"

Better than fish

Better than flax oil

Better than chia seeds

WOW, This is a big earthquake! all the fish oil takers, Watch out! for more info, see this CNN report! here! and here!


The price of one product
 for preferred customer is 52$ 
One pair is $94 ($47 per box)

Each box contains 60 capsules 
of 1 gram of clary sage seed oil.
There is a wonderful way to cheapen the price
 into 40$ or even 27$  

Interested to know how? contact now...


We Are Marvalous Tribe, On A Marvalous Way, To Live a Marvalous Life.

Marvalous is a Global Company established in 2008 by Shay Segal and Yaron and Lior Yechezkely, 
owners of Magnetika Interactive. 
 The company sells a unique brand of products to consumers all over the world while emphasizing a unique type of Omega-3 without any side effects!

Marvalous operates in the modern business world, out of a belief that values of mutual assistance, equality and cooperation create the balance between spiritual joy and wealth to material wealth.  
This belief is the 
light that leads us on the way to the peak!


 According to the University of Maryland's Medical Center, clinical studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids can be helpful in treating a variety of health conditions. 

 Most Omega-3 pills in the market are said to be rather harmless, but there are major side effects that have the potential to do great harm to one's health. 

 Thus, when Dr. Nativ Dudai and his team of researchers discovered in the hills of Northern Israel a particular species of sage with high concentrations of Omega-3, it became a huge breakthrough in studies of human health.

  The reason why is because Omega-3 from sage has no side effects



  Marvalous believes in incorporating innovative products.
that contribute to the health of the user and a direct selling method straight from the distributors to the consumer.
 in order to maximize the product's distribution and to minimize the costs of the product.
 through savings in marketing and advertising costs thereby creating an added value in organization where everyone supports the individual and the individual supports everyone. 


An Healtheir World!

This is the time for a change!

Working together for better world!

 MMLT - Marvalous Mega Leaders Team

We Are Marvalous Tribe, On A Marvalous Way, To Live a Marvalous Life.

★-Marvalous Group LTD. ?1 Hamelachim St. Or Yehuda,

 Israel 60310-  

U.S Number: 571-355-5999         


★-Fax:+972-4-6585957Mobile: +972-52-8715-928
+972-50-821-3421 - +972-52-339-3811-

★-Email: KingRamBo15@gmail.com-★-Skype: RamBo5192-

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